
Here you will find a cumulative list of the publications resulting from our project. Most are in open access.

Background image: Notes and edits on bloodless animals in Johannes Swammerdam, Ms Bybel der natuure, 1669-1680. Detail from fols. 133v-134r. Cat. nr. BPL 126 C. Leiden University Library

Scholarly Publications

Sietske Fransen and Tim Huisman (eds), Antoni | van Leeuwenhoek en de Microwereld, NWO-project Visualizing the Unknown and Rijksmuseum Boerhaave, contributing to the exhibition Onvoorstelbaar, Leiden, April 2023 – January 2024.

Jan de Hond, Eric Jorink and Hans Mulder, Crawly creatures. Depiction and appreciation of insects and other critters in art and science (Catalogue Exhibition Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, 30 September 2022-15 January 2023).

Ellen Pater and Eric Jorink, ‘The view through a microscope. Insects up close and personal’ in: Crawly creatures. Depiction and appreciation of insects and other critters in art and science (Catalogue Exhibition Rijksmuseum) 126-138.

Tiemen Cocquyt, ‘Positioning Van Leeuwenhoek’s microscopes in 17th-century microscopic practice’, FEMS Microbiology Letters, 369 (2022) 1-7.

Eric Jorink, ‘Maria Sibylla Merian and Johannes Swammerdam: Conceptual frameworks, observational strategies, and visual techniques’, in: Kay Etheridge et al eds, Maria Sibylla Merian: Changing the nature of art and science (Tielt 2022) 171-183.

Eric Jorink, ‘De profeet en de boekhouder: Johannes Swammerdam, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek en de begindagen van de microscopie’ in: J. Braeckman and L. Speybroeck eds, Fascinerend leven. Een geschiedenis van de biologie (Gent 2022) 176-207.

Other Publications and Appearances

14 September 2023: From Leeuwenhoek to the electron microscope, public event at The Royal Society.

Recording on YouTube of great presentations, a discussion and Q&A with Professor Katharine Cashman FRS, Professor Matthew Cobb, and Dr Dirk van Miert, to celebrate Antoni van Leeuwenhoek and the development of microscopy to the present day.

This public event was organized in connection to the conference Antoni van Leeuwenhoek and His Impact on the History of Microscopy, jointly organized by the Royal Society and Visualizing the Unknown, and which took place on 14-15 September 2023 at the Royal Society in London

1 July 2023: Salonlezing Geertje Dekkers, ‘De rookgordijnen van Van Leeuwenhoek’, on YouTube. A lecture in Dutch on the secrets and secrecy of Leeuwenhoek by historian Geertje Dekkers. Organised by Rijksmuseum Boerhaave.

10 June 2023: Salonlezing, Tiemen Cocquyt, ‘The NWO-project Visualizing the Unknown‘, on YouTube. A lecture in Dutch on the MicroLabs of the first phase of the project, contributing to the team’s understanding of Leeuwenhoek’s technoques. Organized by Rijksmuseum Boerhaave.

1 October 2021: Kick-off Visualizing the Unknown in Leiden.

On YouTube. Click link down below to view the introduction to the project by PI Eric Jorink; its backgrounds sketched  by Sietske Fransen and Tiemen Cocquyt; some observations on early modern scientific communications by Dirk van Miert, director of the project’s home-base, the Huygens Institute, and finally some spectacular images by micr0-photographer Wim van Egmond.